We may never fully understand the impact we have had during our ministry

David John Ison, KCVO is a retired Church of England priest. From 2012 until he retired in 2022, he was the Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral in the Diocese of London.

This is an extract from a very encouraging email send from David to Neville Feb ’24

You came to lead a session at St John’s College Nottingham on inner-city ministry in 1978, which was inspirational and led to my wife Hilary and I being called to work in the inner-city. We spent nine years in Deptford, SE London, then nearly five years on a housing estate in Coventry, and after 12 years living in the very middle of Exeter went to the centre of Bradford to be at the cathedral for nearly seven years; and finished by taking what we’d learned to apply at St Paul’s Cathedral, which was the most difficult gig of all, retiring 18 months ago. We are so grateful to you for helping us on our ministry journey, rethinking the middle-class white academic evangelical theology we’d learnt (I found Ken Leech really helpful with that) and developing sacramental and embodied ministry; and look forward to hearing about your own experiences.

All good wishes and every blessing,
David Ison

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